Donna Hamer

Thursday, February 09, 2006

this is my tempory site

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Gift Baskets for the Person Who Has Everything!

I have just released a new ebook on "101 Gift Basket Ideas".

Don't worry if you are not the creative type person, as I wasn't until I realised just how easy it was to create professional looking gift baskets for my friends.

To learn more visit 101 Gift Basket Ideas


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Time.... passing by.!

Gee.... how does time fly when you are having fun. Or should I say when you are avoiding doing any activity whatsoever in achieving your goal.

Today I spent the day with my son learning how to use a Playstation. Now as much as I love him watching the Power Rangers fight the evil Ransik was just too much. Don't get me wrong the Power Rangers Rule (well in our house) but I just don't know how many times you can keep repeating the same process just to move to the next level.

But.. there is always a lesson in everything we do and it occurred to me as I was watching this process that basically its like what I am doing.. you keep repeating it until you achieve what you set out to do. So I thought its time to do some work and move just one step closer to my goal.

After doing a couple more chores I then sat down at the computer and put the finishing touches to another ebook. Tomorrow I plan to put a site up. Keep posted...

Friday, February 04, 2005

First Post

Hi and Welcome to my Blog Spot.

This has been set up to allow other people to see what steps I have taken in my journey to set up a website and starting an online living.

Being a single mum can be difficult as you need to be mom and dad most of the time. There is not another person there to look after your children while you put in time and effort to learn the ins and outs of html, hosting, marketing and this rather fasinating new tool called blogging.

By the end of the day when, I have a few spare hours my brain has turned off to learning new concepts. In fact I have become the master of stress !! Every time I start doing something that I haven't done before I get this major pain down my back. .... mmm... some would say, give it up if it causes that amount of stress. But I am persisting because I know it will be worth it in the end. Whats the saying "No Gain without Pain".

Anyway I look forward to hearing other peoples stories about their same journey.